Tested new sonar sensor in middling wind. Circled Alcatraz a few times and raced some kitesurfers near Crissy Field. Sailed under the Bay Bridge from the north.
Epic test today from Treasure Island to Crissy Field and back. We removed the motor from the boat after the morning’s test and made it out on the water in time for an extended test with the KB-KW-40C kite. We exceeded 30 knots several times, each time in well under 15 knots of wind. Final run back to Treasure Island included a peak of 32 knots in about 10 knots of true wind. Many other boats, including the Artemis America’s Cup team, were out on the bay today. Peter flew the kite for part of this test. Thanks to Erin for taking photos.
Short test today off Treasure Island using the KB-KW-30-A kite with deflated cones. Peter flew the quadcopter with Lightbridge again. Good pace keeping up with the kiteboat, but some pixelated FPV transmission. Tested later with just the Protector, and the problem disappeared. Decided that it was likely due to interference from Peter’s Vokkero radio, possibly kiteboat interference.
Update: tracked pixelation problem to quadcopter’s inability to transmit full-HD video while chasing the kiteboat. Peter reduced the resolution and refresh rate of the video transmission and solved the problem.
Very windy today near Treasure Island. We kited around the north side of the island in a lot of chop, working our way upwind to the city side of the island. The wind died near and south of the Bay Bridge, so we headed home after a relatively short, but exciting, test.