K2 Testing Gallery
2011-Present Return to Galleries
K2 is our newest completed boat, based on the Kitefoiler prototype. K2 is a 9-meter three-hulled boat. We are currently on our 7th iteration of foils for this boat. Early versions utilized J-foils in the amas and a T-foil at the rudder; the current version uses T-foils for all three hulls. This boat originally utilized the launching mast developed for the Kitefoiler and the winch prototype developed for K1, but it now features an updated winch design, attached to a custom-built kite control chair, and a telescoping launch mast. We originally maneuvered this boat using a tiller, but it now uses hydraulic steering at the mast and on the kite chair. The kite chair is an innovation developed over the lifetime of this boat to facilitate kite handling and reduce strain on the kite steerer. We have used kites up to 60 sqm with this test platform.
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