K2 Test – Sep 24
Return to NewsWe took K2 out early today to test the new sensor gearing adjustors. Initial towing went well, so we continued on to Treasure Island to launch the 18 sqm kite. We kited at mid-twenties speeds northeast of the island for a couple of hours before heading to the west side to check out the America’s Cup races. We, along with many other boats, watched Oracle’s amazing comeback, and then returned to the back side of Treasure Island. The wind began to pick up, and our best speed of the day was 32+ knots with 4 crew. Overall, the sensor gear adjustors were very effective in creating a smoother, although lower, ride. We did have some trouble on the tow home when we hit a lot of chop and needed to quickly reset them, so some practice or refinement may be necessary to perfect them.
Before the test today we weighed the boat and checked the center of gravity by hanging a weighted line from the crane attachment point. Boat weighed in at 1080 lbs, and the center of gravity is at about the center of the kitearm, as designed, but the center of gravity gradually shifts backward as more people sit behind the kite chair. One of the reasons that we would like to explore a three-person kite chair option is to keep this weight forward.
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